译Nodejs 6.2.1 更新

Nodejs cyanprobe 9年前 (2016-06-09) 3405次浏览 已收录 0个评论


Nodejs  6.2.1 更新

Note: The v6 release line will be covered by the Node.js Long Term Support plan starting in October 2016.


    • buffer: Ignore negative lengths in calls to Buffer() and Buffer.allocUnsafe(). This fixes a possible security concern (reported by Feross Aboukhadijeh) where user input is passed unchecked to the Buffer constructor or allocUnsafe() as it can expose parts of the memory slab used by other Buffers in the application. Note that negative lengths are not supported by the Buffer API and user input to the constructor should always be sanitised and type-checked. (Anna Henningsen) #7051
    • buffer 忽略负的长度在调用Buffer()和Buffer.allocUnsafe()方法时,这修正了一个可能导致创建Buffer使用者的输入未经检查或者allocUnsafe()可以通过创建Buffer暴露模块slab分配的内存的安全问题。注意:负参数的Buffer不被NodeJs API所支持,用户输入的构造总是需要被过滤并进行类型检查
    • npm: Upgrade npm to 3.9.3 (Kat Marchán) #7030
      • npm/npm@42d71be npm/npm#12685 When using npm ls <pkg> without a semver specifier, npm ls would skip any packages in your tree that matched by name, but had a prerelease version in their package.json. (@zkat)
      • npm/npm@f04e05 npm/npm#10013 read-package-tree@5.1.4: Fixes an issue where npm install would fail if yournode_modules was symlinked. (@iarna)
      • b894413 #12372 Changing a nested dependency in an npm-shrinkwrap.json and then running npm install would not get up the updated package. This corrects that. (@misterbyrne)
      • This release includes npm@3.9.0, which is the result of our Windows testing push — the test suite (should) pass on Windows now. We’re working on getting AppVeyor to a place where we can just rely on it like Travis.

      npm 升级npm至3.9.3版本

    • 当使用 npm ls <pkg>  不使用semver(npm的 命令语意解析器)区分的情况下,npm ls 命令将跳过一些通过名字树匹配的包。当时会有一个预发行的版本在他们的package.json中。
    • 修复了一个如果使用符号链接node_modules(ln -s )导致npm install失败的问题。
    • 修改了一个循环依赖的问题在npm-shrinkwrap.json中,,这次修正了这个运行npm install将不会更新包的问题
    • 这次发布包含了npm@3.9.0,这是Windows测试的推动结果,这个套件现在已经通过了Windows测试。我们正在在获取 AppVeyor在一些地方在我们可以依赖它,像Travis一样。


    • tty: Default to blocking mode for stdio on OS X. A bug fix in libuv 1.9.0, introduced in Node.js v6.0.0, exposed problems with Node’s use of non-blocking stdio, particularly on OS X which has a small output buffer. This change should fix CLI applications that have been having problems with output since Node.js v6.0.0 on OS X. The core team is continuing to address stdio concerns that exist across supported platforms and progress can be tracked athttps://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6980. (Jeremiah Senkpiel) #6895
    • tty:默认是阻塞模式输出在OS X里,一个bug被修订在 libuv 1.9.0中,被描述于Node.js v6.0.0。暴露Nodejs使用不阻塞的输出问题,尤其在有一个小的buffer输出的OS X 上。这个改变需要修订CLI应用,从Nodejs v6.0.0以来还有一些输出问题在OS X上。核心团队继续为了解决输出涉及地址存在于支持跨平台以及进度可以被跟进。


  • V8: Upgrade to V8 This includes a fix that addresses problems experienced by users of node-inspector since Node.js v6.0.0, see https://github.com/node-inspector/node-inspector/issues/864 for details. (Michaël Zasso) #6928
  • V8:升级到 V8这次包含一个修订解决用户自从NodejsV6.0.0以来使用node-inspector出现的问题的解决方法。

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